[20:54:43] 14Host: [BR] AkuPyro is being KICK-BANNED by ChewML for: ban evade [20:55:08] 04ChewML: i feel gud [20:55:11] !page chewml whyd u do that? i just got him set up on renegade. [20:55:32] !page chewml dude seriously that was retarded for a mod to do [20:56:25] * AkuPyro has quit IRC (Quit: ) [20:57:29] shaitan [20:57:32] the dude was just banned [20:57:50] Results of your search (Maximum of 8 will be shown) [20:57:50] [17/03/08 - 20:54] [BAN] AkuPyro () was banned by ChewML for 'ban evade'. (Ban ID 873) [20:58:00] yes i just got him on renegade.. just right be4..wtf? [20:58:06] hang on [20:58:21] all that work and u ban hinm for 33 meters away? wtf thats lag and a half. [20:58:46] yes i know bot banned from 2007..but still. i just got him on ren :/ [20:58:58] 14Host: [BR] zipnsnipe is being q-kicked by ilonaus for: th [20:59:09] in meters? thats not lag lol [20:59:09] 11Player zipnsnipe joined the game [20:59:15] !kb zipnsnipe DH [20:59:32] why is that dude not banned here [20:59:37] he's cheated on probably every server [20:59:42] idk or a fucked up bot? [20:59:59] couldnt have unless hes an old cheat..which i didnt know about :/ [20:59:59] anyway idk what happened on that dude [21:00:08] !ppage chewml gogo irc [21:00:23] ? [21:00:29] why'd you ban akupyro o.O [21:00:37] <@n00bsvr01> Host: [BR] AkuPyro has been BANNED on 09.15.2007 by PhazBot@IRC for: Used PT from 33 meters away! (serial matched) [21:00:53] oh [21:00:55] shaitan [21:00:59] so i bant for ban evade [21:00:59] is he by chance using a pirated serial [21:01:04] idk [21:01:07] because we've gotten 33 meters on a lot of people [21:01:10] and yes they do lag that far away..done it to me in shit servers with low sfps liek this one :/ [21:01:12] using a pirated ren serial [21:01:15] Ethenal I didnt know you were someone to question someting like that [21:01:21] i asked ego how he got in and ego said ban him [21:01:30] so i did with pleasure [21:01:47] idk about serials..buit i do know i just got his ren installed be4 he joined :/ [21:02:20] is he connected to someone else or something? [21:02:47] haveno clue..and he left this irc so only way i can talk to him is by phone :/ [21:03:54] shaitan tell him to get a real serial lol PM-> Session Start: Mon Mar 17 19:16:51 2008 Session Ident: AkuPyro [19:16:57] lemme guess..Mike? [19:17:14] dvnp.qwest.net [19:19:59] atomix-gaming /server -m <-port 6667 [19:20:29] renz0r-gaming irc.renz0r-gaming.com [19:20:46] mp-gaming irc.MP-gaming.com [19:23:56] beep [19:23:56] No such nick/channel Session Close: Mon Mar 17 19:30:10 2008 Session Start: Mon Mar 17 19:51:38 2008 Session Ident: AkuPyro [19:51:38] Session Ident: AkuPyro (Meh@n00b-3152D67E.dvnp.qwest.net) [19:51:38] 'ello [19:51:57] was me Joel of course :p [19:52:21] yes; what where the other IRC links? [19:52:46] erm which did u see? [19:53:02] [19:16:57] lemme guess..Mike? [19:53:02] [19:17:14] dvnp.qwest.net [19:53:02] [19:19:59] atomix-gaming /server -m <-port 6667 [19:53:02] [19:20:29] renz0r-gaming irc.renz0r-gaming.com [19:53:02] [19:20:46] mp-gaming irc.MP-gaming.com [19:53:02] [19:23:56] beep [19:53:05] renguard was to download a new core patch? the 3.x.x one? [19:53:10] correct [19:53:12] renguard.com [19:53:27] scripts 2.9.2 which ill find in a sec here [19:53:42] mp-gaming does not want to connect; keeps timing out [19:53:56] http://www.game-maps.net/?action=file&id=603 for scripts 2.9.2 [19:54:21] that version there allows u to use switches and shit in alot of servers. [19:54:36] i d/l'ed and install 2.9.2 but renguard wants to download more; should i cancel? [19:55:15] renguard will dl the same one..scripts2.9(aka corepatch2) [19:55:28] ahh; ok [19:55:58] if u do get the rg, then u may have to dl a few maps again.most liely fieldTS [19:56:05] *likely [19:56:24] depends..doesnt do it always. [19:56:49] well; i have rengaurd already on it, but have yet to install the map pack [19:56:56] this maybe a work around? [19:57:03] thats good.. do the rg 1st. [19:57:34] so; you too play any other games? [19:57:49] as for MP..irc.mp-gaming.com works for me. I'll ask one the adminwankers for the ip in case u need it as well. hopefully ones answering. [19:58:02] erm mostly this game..or the new cnc:reborn. [19:58:16] havent found one i like more than those two 0.o [19:58:31] cnc reborn FPS or RTS? [19:59:06] fps they made it with tiberium sun chars and tanks [19:59:33] ahh; im waiting for the new CnC FPS [19:59:37] its on that game-maps.net site. runs off the renegade engine. free btw [19:59:40] Tiberium Wars it is? [19:59:43] yep [19:59:54] yah been waiting on ren2 as well :D [20:00:31] I might have to pick up Crysis. Played the demo and it left me hanging =( [20:00:58] havent installed mine yet..still stis here :P [20:01:13] full copy or demo? [20:01:55] umm hell if i know..ahvent played it. :o [20:02:04] lol [20:02:33] demo is a 1.77 gb file; dont know what the full is, oh well [20:03:32] hell i musta put it on disc soemwhere :s [20:06:20] those ones i join are -> MP=mostly reborn & redalert:apb(fps) these days..they got rid of ren. renz0r= ren(missionDM(DeathMatch) ,coop and aow etc) atomix= aow [20:07:19] Melissa likes n00bstories and atomix..mostly n00bstories..dunno why its gay as all holy hell imo [20:07:35] prolly cause i cant boot any rejects in n00bs :p [20:07:46] well, if its noobish, it might be good noob traing for me [20:08:09] 50 players like a warzone lol Session Close: Mon Mar 17 20:12:48 2008 Session Start: Mon Mar 17 20:13:50 2008 Session Ident: AkuPyro [20:13:50] Session Ident: AkuPyro (Meh@n00b-3152D67E.dvnp.qwest.net) [20:13:50] hmm; the WOL clint is not installed? [20:14:00] Westwood online? [20:14:32] what does it say...or are u just not getting the server lists? [20:15:07] it give me and error about the product is not installed or correct and to reinstall...; will get the error again [20:15:18] cause it should've installed automatically when u did ur ren :/ [20:15:54] fuckin odd i say. u try to run it direct yet(adress bar) [20:16:10] it says the installed version is incompat with this product and to reinstall it [20:16:19] >.< [20:16:51] hm [20:18:24] i guess u could always reinstall...but damn that sucks. I have a couple things u can use if u dont wanna reinstall to bypass that [20:18:48] it lets my roll with gamespy just not westwood [20:19:04] maybe a bad install. [20:20:06] http://www.game-maps.net/index.php?action=category&id=164 [20:20:29] that has two dl's..renIP and ren ext config. i use renip mostly. [20:20:43] *ren launcher..not config i mean. [20:21:33] also i have something that runs along side WOl, but u have to use irc to see the servers lists. which works fine i use that one alot to. [20:22:34] lookin for that one^ [20:24:26] ok found my wol/irc mimic. [20:25:07] if u want to use that file i just sent u-> extract to your mIRC dir, then type: /load -rs wol/wol.mrc [20:26:08] can you resend; as it is a new mIRC install, i forgot to turn the ignore off [20:26:50] under the "commands" onn top of irc..scroll down u will see "wol" or u can type /wol to. make sure to click options in the screen when opened..and input ur ren nick/pass(make any nick/pw up..doesnt matter) and serials [20:27:00] thats when u get the wol script loaded. [20:27:03] ^ [20:27:27] that script shows the server lsits just like the real WOL does. [20:28:01] and also make sure to set ur "minimum [players" to zero in that option screen to. [20:28:07] that way u see em all. [20:30:38] hopefully that works(until u get ren fixed) [20:31:27] if it doesnt use that renIP on the link i showed u..u'll have to have the server ip's..but i can give u all those when/if u need em :) [20:32:18] go that installed [20:32:44] trying an old school way to [20:32:47] All Seeing Eye [20:32:54] never sued ase be4. [20:32:57] *used [20:33:06] SERVERNAME=n00bstories [20:33:06] SERVERIP= [20:33:06] SERVERPORT=6978 [20:33:20] shit they changed it..nvm that ip [20:33:51] SERVERNAME=n00bstories is the new one for them. [20:36:25]; got that off all seeing eye as well [20:36:56] might go with all seeing eye [20:38:00] looks to be full atm tho [20:38:08] And no I'm not normally this scatter brained. Have tutorials for just this thing that I hand out to newbies :) [20:38:17] usually is in n00bstories [20:38:35] too impersonal :p [20:38:55] lol; all seeing eye is nice [20:39:02] looks like yahoo bought the rights [20:39:19] nice lil program from a while back [20:40:40] o.O natives are gettingonmy ass here about food. talk to ya later..gotta server the corned beef :p [20:40:58] later Session Close: Mon Mar 17 20:53:52 2008